Whiskey Tango Page 2
Swallowing hard she tried to get her thoughts together. Her mental battle did not seem to bother him at all. He continued his love making and she wished she could feel better about it. She didn’t. When he rolled off of her she moved to get up. She had to find her scattered clothes before she made her way to the bathroom.
There was no way she had just spent the night with that man. What the hell was she thinking? It was obvious that she had not been thinking.
She pulled her bra on and then the shirt went over her head, but could not find her panties. There was no way she was going out there with out her pants so she slid them on without any. London tried to prepare herself for whatever might be waiting for her on the other side of the door, but nothing could prepare her for that.
Whiskey was leaning against the door jam when she opened the door. His smile did nothing to help the mood she was in. Part of it was the hangover, the other part was her own stupidity. What on earth had she done? She did not even know this man’s real name.
“It’s not the end of the world, Sweetheart.” His voice slid over her and she closed her eyes. London wondered what her facial expression was like for him to say that.
“I don’t even know your name.” That was part of it. The other parts she was not ready to give voice to just yet.
“I don’t know yours either.” He admitted and she opened her eyes. They sure made a pair.
“Jon Tango.” The name fell between them, and in all honesty did not make her feel any better.
“London Lane.” Saying her name did not even help. There was so much under the surface and she did not want to open that Pandoras box.
“You are London Lane?” Biting back some smart reply she nodded her head. There was no need for sarcasm in the situation.
“The London Lane, Luther Lane’s daughter. Lane Designers, London Lane?” Again she simply nodded. It did occur to her to wonder how he knew all of that and did not know what she looked like. Her face made frequent appearances in the media. Jon stepped toward her then and she moved out of the doorway. He stopped in front of her to kiss her hard on the mouth. London tried to make herself stay cold.
She did not want this man making love to her again. There was so much that she needed to get her mind around.
When he went into the bathroom she pulled her cell phone out. There were numerous text messages from her friends. She sent them all a quick, ‘I am fine.’ Before putting the phone back in her pocket.
Looking around the room she tried to find her panties. She could not remember when she had lost them. In the bed, that was where she was when he slid them off. London was still looking around the bed when he came out of the bathroom. Turning she watched as he stalked the distance between them and pushed her back on the bed.
“I don’t know why you put these clothes on.” The words were said as he covered her body with his.
“I have to go.” London knew that she needed to be more adamant. Jon kissed up her neck and brushed her shoulder with his beard.
“I will take you where ever you need to go.” The shirt was again being pulled over her head, she grabbed the hem and tried to stop him.
“Jon.” She tried but it was not working the shirt was over her head and heading for the floor.
“Whiskey.” The name was said against her bra and she closed her eyes. She had to stop this man.
“Please, I have to go.” The hand on the button of her jeans was not going to be stopped.
“I need you to stay. One more time, Angel, and I will take you home. Scouts honor.” The zipper was going down she felt him move, he went up on his knees so he could pull the jeans down her legs.
“I am keeping your panties.” Well at least now she knew where they went.
“Why?” The question was asked as he came back down on the bed and she felt him slide inside of her.
“Call them a trophy if you will.” Then his mouth covered hers and she was determined to stay still. She did not want to think of her panties as some trophy in this man’s collection. Jon did not have to do much before her body was moving right along with his. She heard his gentle laugh.
When they were in his truck, driving away from his house. She was still kicking herself.
“I would like to see you again.” She heard him but did not know if she was ready for that. Holding his cell phone out to her he pulled the truck into traffic.
“Put your number in it.” The order was given and she wondered if this was such a good idea. She needed to get away from him so she could think.
London took the phone from his hand and opened the contacts application. She was not so sure she wanted to see this man again. Jon liked to bark orders and she was silly enough to go right along with them. The contacts list had the name Angel half a dozen times, each one had a number after it. She felt her shoulders sag.
“Should I use Angel number seven?” She did not like the way her voice held that hint of hurt.
Reminding herself that she was nothing to this man she clicked the little plus icon at the top.
“London.” Was all he said as he drove the truck. Before she could change her mind she added her phone number and then clicked call. London did not want any surprises from this man. The call was simply so she would have his number. Passing the phone back she looked out the truck window.
“Are you hungry?” Those eyes only came to her for a second before they were back on the road.
“No, Thank you.” He could play the part of the gentleman, but there was something that warned her to stay on her toes.
“Listen I don’t know what possessed me to do that. I have never done anything like that before.” There was so much she wanted to say, but her brain was clouded with confusion.
“I think I figured that one out.” There was a gentle laugh with those words. Swallowing she looked down at the hands in her lap.
“Can we keep this between us?” That question made him look her way, but it was a quick look and his eyes were back on the road.
“Do you think I kiss and tell?” The way he said it made her feel bad. She did not want to insult him.
“That is not what I mean.” The importance of what she needed to tell him, kept messing with her mind.
“I have to be very discreet in my personal life.” So much of her life depended on her reputation, not to mention the lives of countless others. If she got drug into some type of scandal then it could ruin a lot of people.
“Because you have a reputation to uphold?” The way he said those words made her feel bad. She did not want to offend him.
“A lot of people depend on me. If I screw up then the whole ship goes down.” Nobody would want to wear a blacklisted designer.
“Is that why you have this good girl act?” London did not think it was an act. For years she had tried to keep her nose clean. It was not all that hard.
“I thought we were friends.” He cut her off and she knew what he wanted.
“Whiskey, I just don’t want to lead you on. I am not sure what if anything can come out of last night.” That was the truth and she wanted it out there.
“Don’t forget this morning.” Looking out the window she saw that they were entering her neighborhood.
“We have great sex, Angel. You sure you want to throw that away?” At that moment she was not sure of anything. Shaking her head she waited for the truck to stop. He had pulled it up to her front steps. She made to open the door but he reached out gently catching her arm to stop her. Facing him she saw something in his eyes. It was only there for a second so she could not be sure what it was. She simply looked at him waiting.
“Do you want me to come in?”
“No.” The answer fell off of her lips before she could stop it. There was no way she wanted this man in her home. He would mark his territory and she did not want that at the moment.
“Is daddy home?” He asked and she was sure she heard something dark in his tone. For some reason she did not think this man li
ked her father very much.
“My father does not live here.” She regretted those words the moment they were out. Now he would know that she lived alone. What on earth was she thinking? She did not know this man.
“It would be rude not to invite me in.” The hand holding arm squeezed for a second. The warning bells were ringing and she knew that she should not ignore them. Yet, there was something in his eyes.
“Would you like to come in?” Had those words really come from her?
“No, I have some things to do this morning. But I will see you tonight.” He leaned across the seat then and pulled her face to his. The kiss he placed on her lips left no guessing as to what he wanted to do tonight.
London stood on her top step and watched as he drove away. She wondered if that was what people considered a one night stand? There was no need in worrying about it now. She needed a shower and something to eat.
Her house was nice and neat, and it was no mansion. Having grown up in one she wanted something simple. The clean lines of her furniture helped to relax her. The shower worked even better. There was something about Jon that bothered her. Something that told her to keep her guard up, she could not trust him. Then maybe it was simply because she did not know him. What on earth could he possibly think of her? She had met him in a bar, shared a whiskey shot with the man and then had sex with him three times.
Instead of worrying over it she decided to work on some new designs for The Graham Gala. After all they were going to need fresh ideas.
Two hours wasted and not one design idea. That man would not leave her alone. Images from last night kept popping up and messing with her. She had to admit that he had been a good lover, for what she had to compare him with. Her cell phone rang and she saw that it was Casey. She did not want to talk to her friend at the moment, but she did not want to worry her either.
“Where are you?” The concern was clear in her tone.
“Home.” That should make her friend feel better.
“Where did you go last night?” There was no longer a hint of concern. Now Casey had a tone that London did not like. This was the tone that said she believed London had secrets and she wanted to hear them.
“It is a long story, and one that I am not going to be sharing at the moment. Look, I am working on some new designs. Can I call you back?”
“Don’t forget.” There was a world of truth in those words. She always forgot.
“Bye.” Ending the call she placed the phone back on the table.
London awoke several hours later, her head resting on the table and her papers. Checking the clock she saw that it was almost six. That nap was very needed but it made her feel a little cranky.
There was knocking on her door which must have been what had woken up so she made her way toward it. Her front door was a solid pane of glass with side lights up both sides. She could easily see him through the glass. Opening the door she wanted to send him away. He held a dozen white roses and a bottle of whiskey. He walked right in and she closed the door behind him. Turning she saw him studying her house.
“These are for you.” He said holding out the roses. She accepted them. The idea that she could not trust him rose up again, and she wanted to ignore it.
“Do you have a tv? There is a game on that I want to see.” Typical male she thought as she pointed to her den. Yes she had a tv and he would probably like it. The thing was huge. She went to the kitchen as he went to the den.
After placing the roses in some water she found a glass and headed for the den. She hoped he would understand that she did not want to drink. The game that he wanted to see was football. A game that she did not understand. Placing the glass next to the whiskey she moved to sit down in the recliner. Jon caught her by the back of her jeans and pulled her to sit with him on the couch.
“Just wait for the commercials.” He said as he went right back to watching the game. She tried to watch the game but it was not something that she understood. Men the size of giants crushing one another over a pigskin ball. That did not make any sense to her whatsoever.
Jon was very expressive about that game. He let them know when he was not happy with a certain play. Typical male she thought again. In truth she had to admit that there was nothing typical about him. His hand rarely left her thigh. Only during those times when he needed both hands to complain about something in the game. She could not tell which team he was pulling for.
The first commercial break came and he was on her so fast she was shocked.
His hand came around the back of her head and he held her in place while he worked over her mouth. The things that man did with those lips. She felt his tongue in her mouth and relaxed against the couch. His hands came down to pull her top over her head, he tossed it behind the couch. Then he was touching her bra. She did not want him to remove it. The kissing continued as the hands slipped under her bra and touched her. She was shocked at how fast he was.
Then the game was back on and he was moving away. Just like that he was watching the game again. Shocked she sat there trying to get her head straight. Had that just happened? London tried to focus on the game, but it was not happening. Jon had just made her feel so many things and then wham, like a switch he was off.
The next commercial came and he removed her pants. The man had her craving his touch. Fingers slipped under her panties and he was touching her and kissing her and she was ready for him to finish what he started.
Then the game was back on and he was right back to watching it. He had her laying on her back beside of him. Her legs across his lap, and every little bit he would caress her through her panties. He did not even seem to realize he was doing it.
The next commercial and she was ready to finish this. Now he had her straddling him.
His hands on her breasts. He unhooked the front clasp bra and smiled at her.
“So are they?” He asked as he brought one tight peak into his mouth.
“What?” She asked as she ground her hips into him.
“Real?” He asked and she ground into him hard.
“Yes.” She had never had plastic surgery.
“Good.” He said as he was sucking on them while his hands reached around to latch on to her butt. He pressed himself to her center and she wanted him out of his clothes. This starting and stopping action was not for her. She needed completion.
The game was back on and he was trying to look around her. London blocked him as best she could but it was not working. He wanted to watch the game. The man had a half naked woman on his lap, practically begging him for sex and he was watching a game. Resting her head on his shoulder she waited for the next commercial. It was obvious that he was going to watch this game.
“Half time.” He said making her jump against him. She was not sure what that meant. Flipping her onto the couch he slipped the panties down her legs and stuck them in his pocket.
“I need those.” She said to him. If he kept this up she would not have any panties left.
Jon simply smiled at her and reached for the bottle of whiskey. She watched as he opened it and took a drink. The glass untouched on the table.
When he brought his mouth to hers she felt the liquid on her lips. He meant for her to drink it from his mouth. She did. Another drink and he was moving down her body. The trail of whiskey stopped when his mouth met her center. The cold liquid trickled down her and she was sure it would spill on the couch. The man knew what he was doing and he had her crawling the couch in seconds. It was the most amazing thing ever. He moved up her and took another drink from the bottle. This one was also put in her mouth. When he slammed into her she liked it.
Whiskey was like a man unleashed and had to admit that it was exciting. This bad boy was going to be fun. He was kissing, drinking, and sharing all of it with her. London had to admit that it was wonderful.
His pace quickened and she knew that he was almost done. It was the waiting and the building up that ma
de her release so amazing. That was the best one yet. Jon was kissing her and she was enjoying it.
Then just like that the game was back on and he was moving away from her. Smiling she shook her head. Reaching for her clothes she meant to put them on, he stopped her.
“Don’t bother.” That was okay with her. So she sat there next to him naked, while he watched the rest of that game.
“Where is the bedroom?” He asked after turning the television off. London led him to her room. The whiskey bottle in his hand.
The next morning she woke up in his arms. This was getting to be quite the habit. As she laid there she enjoyed the feel of his arm. She imagined that he had to work out. Jon moved against her and kissed her on her shoulder. It was time to get out of the bed.
In the bathroom she pulled her robe around her and studied her reflection. Something had happened and she was not sure what she was going to do about it. It was so unlike her, this person standing before her now, was a stranger.